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Page updated 7/23/22

As you will notice, I, Jonesy, am NOT a good editor with Wix.  If you could help me edit this site, contact me 307-887-3356. This site updated 1/7/25. Still a work in progress for some pages.

About Jackson Hole Horse Rescue


Jonesy and Shadow participate in Old Bill's Fun Run event in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  Shadow was the featured attraction in numerous parades and events.  See the Elk Antler Arch on the Town Square in the background.

Jackson Hole Regional Horse Rescue (our legal name) began in the fall of 2008. Since then we have rescued more than 250 horses. We currently have more than 35 horses in our care.

In 2008, Maury Jones 'Jonesy', and Colleen, decided to create a safe and lovable environment for those old friends, such as my horse Shadow, who need an “Old Horse’s Home”. (See video "Old Folks' Home for Horses" , Sept 2023, filmed by Lara, opens in new window)

We started the 501(c)(3) charitable organization, officially named Jackson Hole Regional Horse Rescue, Jackson Hole Horse Rescue for short. 

Maury Jones, “Jonesy” to his friends, is now the Executive Director.

We started in the town of Grover, in Star Valley, Wyoming, in 2008. 'Sunny' is one of the first two horses we rescued.  A guy called and said, "I have two horses. I'm out of hay and out of a job. I've tried to sell them without success. Can you take them?" We were glad to help. They were good riding horses but average size sorrel mares were a dime-a-dozen at the time so there wasn’t much of a market for them. We actually used them for a few months and loved them. But we couldn’t afford to keep them as pets so we were finally able to place them in a good home.

Expenses to keep horses are ongoing and, hopefully, we will get a donation when we place a horse with a family. We don’t charge a fee but ask for a donation, if possible.



Other horses started trickling in. A few small donations came through to help; a pasture here, some hay from there, and small monetary donations. But from the start it has been a labor of love. We have taken literally thousands of dollars out of our own pockets and spent thousands of hours to help horses in need. We have never drawn a salary.  It is an all-voluteer labor of love.

Jonesy now manages and operates Jackson Hole Horse Rescue, located near the Airport  in Jackson Hole, with lots of help from volunteers. Jonesy's wife, Linda, is invaluable to the operation.

Photo is Liz, a 12 year old volunteer, and her filly, Patience” which she adopted. She gentled Patience, fell in love with her, and then adopted her. Liz taught her to run around the corral and jump the barriers she set up. One day Liz called me, Jonesy, and said, come down and see what Patience can do. I drove the half mile to her Grandpa’s house, where she was staying for the summer, and Liz showed me.


She led Patience in to the middle of their round corral. She had placed “jumps” around the perimeter such as two five-gallon buckets with a two-by-four between them. She unclipped Patience’ rope and then motioned toward the jumps and commanded, “Go!” Patience ran around the corral about three times, jumping each jump, then Liz called her back and attached the rope. I was amazed! Liz asked, "What does it take to adopt a horse?

I told her that there is not an adoption fee but we check the people out carefully and we do ask that they donate to help the Horse Rescue. She left and I went and talked to her Grandpa, Johnny Johnston. He and I talked, leaning on the fence, and then he called her over. “Jonesy and I have been talking,” John said, “and we decided you can adopt Patience.” Liz let out a scream, hugged her grandpa, and then ran and jumped into her grandma’s arms, crying. It still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. That is what the love of a horse can do.

Our Board of Directors


Maury Jones
Known as 'Jonesy'
Executive Director

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Tom Evans
Board of Directors


Rae Fullmer
Photo taken a few years ago when Rae was Rodeo Queen

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Cecily Aquila
Board of Directors

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Cathy Wikoff
Board of Directors

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Linda Jones
Board of Directors
Development and Grants

Hank Amon
Board Member

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Home of Jackson Hole Horse Rescue

© 2019 Jackson Hole Horse Rescue

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Executive Director Maury  "Jonesy" Jones

505 E. Zenith Dr., Jackson, WY 83001

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